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Where can you get the undivided attention
of top media all in one day?

Right here! This is it!

Add your brand to the 2025 Pre-Register List, 
and we will send you a registration link two weeks before it goes public.

We have had events sell out in pre-registration,
so don’t miss this opportunity!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pitch top media from around the country

In Just One Day without leaving your desk!

How Virtual Speed Pitching


During the event

We will rotate you through all the media breakout rooms.  You’ll pitch one-on-one, face-to-face with each media attendee in a private breakout room.

You’ll have five minutes to demonstrate your product and pitch your ideas for their upcoming editorials.

After the Event

You’ll receive a contact spreadsheet of all the media attendees for follow up.

The media will receive a fantastic sample box with your product and press information.

Last Year's Healthy Living & Fitness

Media Attendees

What products are a

Good Fit

Healthy Food & Beverages

Nutritional & Vitamin Supplements

Organic & nonGMO

Vegan & Gluten-Free Foods

Healthy Parenting

Kid-Friendly Ideas

Natural Beauty Products

Ergonomic Furniture

Healthy Home

Fitness Apparel & Shoes

Home Gym Equipment

Exercise Programs & Apps

Mental health & well-being

Meditation & mindfulness apps

Health monitoring apps

...and more!

Our Exhibitors Get


Two pitching sessions


11:30 AM to 12:30 PM EASTERN


1:00 PM TO 2:00 PM EASTERN


Different Media at Each Session

Only 10 brands will be able

To Participate

Two products per Exhibitor

Exhibitor Fee: $3,600

Register Early to Secure your product exclusivity!

2025 Pre-Registration
